California-based automotive expert Mark Ewing joins the team

'Our man in the USA' Mark Ewing is a fourth-generation California native who has spent his professional life specialty vehicles and sports cars, first as a monthly car magazine editor and then planning and marketing performance cars.
His father was a founding member of Southern California’s Vintage Auto Racing Association, and uncompensated labor at VARA events provided sensory immersion in a century of sports and race cars. A particularly wild uncle was a true Southern California hot rodder and motorcycle desert racer, providing broader perspective.
Mark returned to journalism full-time six years ago as a Forbes Senior Contributor covering cars and motorcycles. His informal “editorial board” includes senior engineering managers and industrial designers who worked with him over the years. As battery-electric vehicles have evolved from ego indulgence for the prosperous to legitimate alternative for the future of transportation, Mark has explored their engineering and design.
Twitter: @ewingassociates Instagram: ewingassociates